
Videonystagmography (VNG) is a non-invasive technique for assessing the function of the vestibular system, responsible for balance and movement coordination. The Framsicope, developed by Framiral, is an innovative device used to perform these tests. We’ll give you a detailed overview of videonystagmography and Framsicope, to help you better understand the process and benefits of this examination.

Videonystagmography: What is it?


Videonystagmography is an examination that analyzes eye movements (nystagmus) induced by stimulation of the vestibular system. It helps identify balance and vestibular problems such as vertigo, coordination disorders and stability problems.

The different types of VNG

There are two main types of VNG:

  • Optokinetic VNG: studies the vestibular system’s ability to follow a moving object.
  • Positional VNG: Evaluates the response of the vestibular system to changes in head position.

The Framiscope from Framiral

FRAMISCOPE® is the videonystagmoscopic mask manufactured and marketed by FRAMIRAL.

This device is used in the exploration of patients presenting instability, imbalance or vertigo in static or dynamic position: diagnostic maneuvers to highlight the problem, static and dynamic posturographic examinations, Semont Toupet, Epley and other liberatory maneuvers…

This device can be used to create a darkroom or not and, by emitting near infrared light, it is capable of :

  • Visualize (in black and white) any eye movement, such as spontaneous nystagmus;
  • Observe the fluidity of slow or rapid eye pursuits and note the existence of saccades during these same pursuits or rapid head movements;
  • Visualize post-HST nystagmus (Head Shaking Test), if vestibular asymmetry ;
  • Visualize per-rotatory and post-rotatory nystagmus, in the case of the more functional wireless version, and all eye movements when walking, moving or during certain head movements.

The video sequence can be recorded on a PC via an optional USB video adapter. The software developed by Framiral, “FramVideo”, enables quick and easy recording of nystagmus observed in videoscopy.

The lightweight mask, with its adjustable elastic strap, fits comfortably around the patient’s face.

Examination procedure

Patient preparation

Before the examination, it’s important to follow your Bascharage physiotherapist’ s instructions regarding medication and eating habits. In general, patients should avoid medications that may affect balance and coordination, and refrain from consuming caffeine, alcohol or tobacco a few hours before the examination.

Patient set-up

The patient is seated in a quiet, dark room, with the Framsicope fastening system adjusted to his or her head. The patient must remain motionless and relaxed during the examination.

Test execution

The healthcare professional performs various tests to assess the patient’s vestibular system. These tests can include optokinetic and positional stimulation, depending on the patient’s specific needs.

Analysis of results and conclusion

After the examination, your physiotherapist analyzes the data collected to identify any abnormalities in the vestibular system. The results are then discussed with the patient and, if necessary, recommendations are made for appropriate management and treatment.

Indications and benefits of videonystagmography


Videonystagmography is often recommended for patients with symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness and lightheadedness
  • Balance and coordination disorders
  • Abnormal nystagmus (involuntary eye movements)
  • Frequent falls or feelings of instability
  • Hearing problems associated with balance disorders


VNG offers several advantages for patients and healthcare professionals, including:

  • Precise diagnosis of vestibular disorders
  • Safe, non-invasive assessment of the vestibular system
  • A better understanding of the underlying causes of the patient’s symptoms
  • Results that can help guide treatments and appropriate interventions

Contraindications and precautions


Certain medical conditions may make videonystagmography inappropriate for some patients, including:

  • Inner and outer ear infections
  • Tympanic perforation
  • Serious eye problems


The healthcare professional must take into account the patient’s general condition before performing VNG. Patients should be informed of the risks and potential side effects, although these are generally rare and minor. These side effects may include temporary dizziness or nausea.


Videonystagmography, performed with the Framsicope device from Framiral, is a precise, non-invasive method for evaluating the vestibular system and diagnosing balance disorders. This technique enables healthcare professionals to better understand the problems encountered by patients and adapt treatments accordingly. If you are experiencing symptoms such as dizziness, balance problems or coordination difficulties, please consult your doctor or physiotherapist to find out whether videonystagmography can help you.