Home Osteopathy

At Pôle Équilibre & Santé de Bascharage, we’re committed to providing a home osteopathy service that combines expertise and comfort. Recognizing that travelling for an osteopathic session can be difficult, especially when convalescing or with reduced mobility, we’ve decided to bring you our new home osteopathy service: Mon Ostéo.

Our team of qualified and passionate osteopaths is dedicated to working with you to develop a personalized treatment plan, targeting a wide range of patients and their specific needs. We’re here to support infants, children, adults, athletes, pregnant women and the elderly. Whether it’s osteopathic care for pregnant women during and after pregnancy, the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in athletes, or the management of neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or the after-effects of a stroke, our approach is tailored to each patient. Our aim is to bring relief and improved quality of life to everyone, whatever their age or condition.

With Mon Ostéo, you benefit not only from our expertise, but also from the convenience of receiving osteopathic care in your own home, in a familiar and secure environment. This allows you to reduce the stress of travel and concentrate fully on your recovery.

We offer a wide range of home osteopathic services, including gentle manipulation, pain relief techniques, advice on improving posture and mobility, and much more. Our goal at Mon Ostéo is to help you achieve your health and well-being goals.

Don’t wait any longer, take the first step towards your well-being with Mon Ostéo. Contact us today to find out more about our home osteopathy service and how we can help you regain your vitality.